Thursday, May 18, 2006

Offensive content: Battle of the Posers

I attended a particularly innovative selection exercise with a certain stat board yesterday and kudos to their HR dept for thinking of such interesting ways to do a massive group interview.

You talk, yabber yabber yabber...
You play a couple of group games
and then you go for a short interview.
Nicely done.

And moi went in feeling good, despite having had difficulty finding the place and after asking passer-bys to no avail . I digress.. so after shelling out 3.80 for a short taxi ride. (morning peak surcharge) 480 metres to be exact, i arrived at a little building tucked somewhere in tiong bahru in one piece, sweating a bit, but nth that a short trip to the loo wont solve.

Upon stepping in, i made a dash to the loo, after which i escounced myself comfortably in a seat, praying that my sweaty palms condition would juz turn itself off for half a day. It didnt.

There were a few potentials there and as 9am approached more ppl streamed in.

The battle of posers had begun.
U can feel it in the air.
Having been warned by Dawn previously abt the pretentiousness of the exercise, I was prepping myself to switch into Poser mode.

Neways i dont tink i can divulge the games here. Lest I get sued or sth, but it doesnt take a genius to figure out that it was basically about teamwork, decision making as a group and leadership qualities.

Moi knew she had to fake it. ALong with all the others in my grp too. If there was a fake-o-meter in the air, it would have exploded.. Hahaha.

And so we all faked.. I tink i did pretty well honestly. I was quite happy with my performance until ...

we were asked if we had any comments abt the game we juz played. I failed that round cos i had no comments. and this NTU HR ger easily took home the tiara for poser queen. SHe actually launched into a PEP TALK.

[QUOTE] I think we all did very well and I am happy with how we worked together as a team. It was great team work and I like the way we supported one another [QUOTE]

I had to put in real effort to get the disgusted look of my face. I hope i did.

But anyways, i put in my fair bit of acting too. But im not even a page boy going by the Queen's standards. Faint.

Tuff.. I hope i acted well enuf.


i figured thats life.. tuff

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