Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Pink watermelon bits

I remember something from this economics module i took. Its an example about a girl who gets free ice-cream and her level of enjoyment keeps increasing with each additional scoop. But the increment becomes smaller and smaller as she eats more. In economic terms its called "decreasing marginal utility". If she continues eating, her level of enjoyment will drop to zero eventually.

Singaporeans have a love affair with buffets. Its this 'eat all you want', 'get your money's worth' mentality that's in our blood. I'm admit i'm also one of those Kiasu Singaporeans who lurve buffets. I've tried some terrible ice-cream buffet at suntec where you scoop the ice-cream yourself and everyone's jostling for space and the few pathetic ice cream scoops. The best was a chocolate buffet at the Fullerton. I can get high on chocolate and i spotted Li Zhi Qin that evening too. The most economical one has to be the Sakae buffet. For 16 bucks i can have all the Fried tofu, Goyoza and Chawanmushi i want. Not exactly authentic Japanese fare, having been made to suit the local palate, but they're very 'heartlanderish' and i always enjoy it a lot. I'm guilty of counting the number of plates i've eaten and feel shiok when i manage to eat my money's worth. Since the buffet's from 3-6pm, I can eat both lunch and dinner at one go. *Lol*

However, today i witnessed a case of a buffet gone wrong. Some secondary school boy was obviously determined to max out his utility level this afternoon. He was perhaps a tad overzealous in his attempt to get his money's worth and ended up puking all over the place. He left a little pink trail of watermelon bits on the floor. (I suppose since watermelon is the last thing they serve you, for dessert.) There's a puddle at the counter, a bit near the entrance and some more along the path to the toilet. He had better avoid that Sakae outlet for a long long time. The poor waitress had to put paper towels on the floor to sop up the mess. It's disgusting and absolutely aweful. Why pay 16 bucks to stuff yourself only to puke it all up?


Fickle shopaholic said...

that was disgusting. i just had my lunch btw. UGH!! u shd post a disclaimer before e post~ *haha*

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that the manageress almost puked too ^_^