Sunday, September 11, 2005


Channel U was showing the korean (or isit Japanese?) horror flick -- Sisters -- at 1130 pm last night. I was being a potato while my lil' sis was multitasking, watching TV and doing last minute work as usual. (Note: The one week holiday ends this Sunday, so her pile of uncompleted homework is due in 2 days time.)

Now for someone as fierce and rude and fiesty as her, she turns into a timid little mouse when dealing with the supernatural. Hence it's a good time for me to scare her a abit. Typically after watching anything remotely scary, she'll be afraid of the dark, take a shorter time to shower and need someone to be with her ALL THE TIME. Hence her evil sister had a field day freaking her out by threatening to leave her to watch (and do homework) by herself. Occasionally i would also mimick those freaky breathy sounds favored by ghosts of Korean/Jap origins just to see her squirm. (I know i'm going to hell for this..)
Don't ask me why she keeps watching horror movies if she can't take it though... And insist that i watch it with her when i usually make it even more scary.
While watching the wacko sisters being tortured by their evil but chio stepmother, i took out my midnite junkie snack --> A pig- shaped- lotus- paste -filled -mooncake. As i proceeded to break its head off and munch on it, i saw my sis eyeing my beheaded piglet and dropping blatant hints to make me offer her a piece. I obliged and divided the head into 2 halves, stretching out my hand and grunting 'nah'.

As both of us munched happily on our portion of the pig's head, my sister suddenly asked ..
" Can i eat the eye?"

Me: "Of cos you can, dont be stupid. "

Sis popped it into her mouth.

A few moments later...

Sis: "Are you sure? It's a bit hard.. "

Me (an evil thought kind of just popped up in my head): HAHA.. Of course you CAN'T, so stupid... "

Sis: SPAT it out.

Me: "You actually believed that? Oh lord... "

Sis: Shit you! I'm going to fart.

(Sis's farts are really killer stuff.. Not to be trifled with and she loves to fart in my face.)

Me: "All right all right. Really.. its edible.I ate it already. "

Sis popped it back into her mouth.

Me(an even more evil thought kind of just popped up in my head): " HAHA, don't you know the myth of eating the mooncake piglet's eyes?"
(Honestly, I was just trying my luck with this one.. I swear..)

Sis (eyes open wide and stops munching): Huh???

Me: "You'll turn stupid, i can't believe you ate it.."

Sis: "I don't believe you.. "

Me: "Then eat it, no one's stopping you.. "

SIs: "I really don't believe you.. "

Me: "Then just eat it and stop asking.. the... "

Sis SPAT it out. AGAIN...

Me: *Laughs! You believed that?? oh my.. you're really stupid! Pwahaha!"

Sis: "You stupid dumb &&U*&^^%$! " and FARTS.


Anonymous said...

miss d, u're absolutely convinced that you're going to hell and u know what? u're right.

33 said...

Is this Spidey?? Spidey?

Anonymous said...

wrong, not spidey. hahha.

Anonymous said...

how can it be spidey?! HAHA~
it's chiong-ster lah!

Anonymous said...

btw i forgot to say tis...
u wont go to hell for doing tt lah. ur sis deserves it. HAH~ but u also got ur retribution so i guess it even out everythin?!

Anonymous said...

i just came across your msn nick, huffing hufferphish. then i remembered you had a blog. so i decided to drop by and see how much more cynical you've become since. btw, u've improved loads in your writing style. your entries rock my smelly socks! hahahhaha