Sunday, September 25, 2005


I haven't been raking in much income ever since my crazy 'spurt' of 'working like mad' days to save up for a certain trip, depending on hand-outs from my mum and tapping into my savings which has been dwindling bit by bit over the past year. My last job was PA, which doesn't really count since well.. Pa is PA. No tuition, nothing. Nada.

Since the beginning of this semester, I've been actively calling up the agencies listed on the classifieds, hoping to stem the outflow of $ from my bank account.

As mentioned in previous entries, I had this freak case at CCK where I was "fired" before I started. (Disaster meter: 10)

And there was this case where one student suddenly turned out to be two, hence I "fired" myself before I started. (Disaster meter: 5)

And recently i've finally managed to land a couple of students. But the experiences were still rather fraught with disasters.

Student (a) - A sec one ger, so far seems quite obedient and pays attention, but not very quick to pick up concepts.
(Disaster meter 6): PAy is low as commented by Qiuling and the amazing thing was the agency got my name wrong, says that I just finished my A levels and I still can't determine whether its the parent or the agent who decided to 'under-report' my meagre earnings by another $10. Anyway first impressions were totally ruined. Instead of appearing professional on Day One. Both parties were freaked and making multiple calls to acertain the situation with the bloody middleman.

Student (b) - K1. Yes, tinny tiny.. He warrants a seperate post all to himself.

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