Sunday, March 12, 2006

Of younger women and older men

Today's Straits Times featured an article about Singaporean men going to their weekend wives in a little island near Batam. In the other world albeit just an hour's boat ride away, 65 year old men fluant their 25 year old 'wives'. At the 5 restaurents in the little alcove, men can say sweet nothings openly to their young 'wives', unabashed. They are after all, only witnessed by others similar to themselves.

Such is an extreme case of the older man and the much younger woman. Extreme but not uncommon. Of course, there are younger men, generally in their 40s to 50s, with a mistress tucked away in Batam.

In modern society, such unions are usually frowned upon. Unless they are Rupert Murdock and such. Society is biased too. Eligible men *read: RICH* remained accepted even if they date a girl half their age. Old men who are only able to date the likes of Indonesian village girls get labels like 'lecherous, dirty old man' slapped on their forehead.

The bottemline is aren't both groups equally lecherous? The difference is: their choice of young women is limited by economic power.

And arent both groups guided by the instinct of looking for a younger beautiful woman?

Unions between men and women of around the same age usually happens when both parties meet each other at a younger age.
A 25 year old guy would find a girl between 20-25 acceptable.
By the time he is 30, he'll still go for someone around 25 years old.
The age difference increases as the guy ages.
A fifty year old bachelor is unlikely to be on the lookout for a 50 year old woman. His acceptable range is probably from 30-40. He'll likely be on the look-out for a younger wife who is, put crudely, still able to reproduce. Despite the fact that women are far more likely to outlive their spouses of the same age, since we live longer.

Women have a short 'shelf life', limited by the ticking of the biological clock. Tick Tock. Whether we care to admit it or not, hitting 35 means the clock is approaching the end of its rounds.

While one can cite the case of Madonna and Guy Richie, in the average world, this is life.

Don't men have it lucky?


Anonymous said...

Yes i totally agree. Man have allllll the luck!!!

Anonymous said...

But there are cases where the tables get turned - older rich women getting together with young upstart men. Plus women in this modern age just love to assert their equal rights, so u can do the same also mah. Gurrllllll power!!!

Anonymous said...

But there are cases where the tables get turned - older rich women getting together with young upstart men. Plus women in this modern age just love to assert their equal rights, so u can do the same also mah. Gurrllllll power!!!