Tuesday, November 01, 2005

3 degree slum

The time of the year has come when NTU morphs into a slum.

Day 1: Friday night. The dustbins start to fill up. Having been incalcated with the belief that a little man will pop up and fine us $500 for chucking rubbish in the wrong places, we students do NOT litter. Instead, we attempt to stuff each bin to the brim. After which boxes are stacked on top and around the dustbin, like a macabre Christmas tree.

Day 2: Saturday. Even the smaller bins in the toilets are full. The wastepaper baskets are overflowing.

Day 3: Sunday morning. The rubbish bins start to smell funny. I spotted a couple of wastepaper baskets toppled over along the corridor. A pair of chopsticks and chicken bones. Fellow mugger said she spotted birds picking at the fermenting food.

This coupled with lots of muggers makes the school rather scary. We flop around in our worst state. Guys start to lose their tans, turning a tad pale. Girls turn totally unglam.

To make things worse, the tutorial rooms turn into battlegrounds. A friend experienced a hostile takeover. Muggers armed with books, stake their claims.

The traditional notice pasted outside the door declaring temporary ownership no longer works. Notes / Books / Food placed on tables might be ignored

Come end of exams, things will be back to normal. We will be sane again.

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